About Me

Hello! I'm Dylan Estrada and I am a senior in Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I'm also a software engineer who enjoys working in all areas of the field and solving challenging, complex problems.

In my free time I enjoy biking, running, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and hanging out with my friends.


These are some of the projects I have worked on in the past.
Raspberry Pi Image

Image Detection using Raspberry Pi

I utilized TensorFlow and OpenCV to create an Image Detection script that will send a "brake" signal to an LED if objects are detected in the area.

The Pi outputs its vision and calculated distance of the object to a web frontend app.

This project is one that I would love to continue in the near future, adding the Pi to a RC Car would be a very cool way to explore Autonomous Vehicles!

Fitbit Logo

RGB Control from Smart Watch

In this project I created a program to set RGB devices connected to a user's computer based on the user's heart rate data.

To get heart rate data I use fitbit's web api. RGB devices are detected and set using openrgb-python, an API created for the opensource project OpenRGB.

This project is still under construction. I'd love to add support for other devices like Apple Watch and Garmin.

Unix Image

Unix Operating System

I worked on a Unix Operating System in a Computer Systems class during the fall of my 3rd year.

My OS supported processes, threads, scheduling, a file system, virtual memory, and even multiple terminals!

This project was a great, if tough, way to get familiar with Unix systems.

Image of heartbeat

Smart Watch Heart Attack Predictor

In my IoT Devices class during the fall of my senior year I worked with a small team to simulate Smart Watches in AWS. Our watches would read a user's hearbeat, run a machine learning script, and then let the user know if they were at risk for a heart attack.

This project introduced me to AWS IoT, as well as taking me deeper into AWS Lambda and machine learning. AWS IoT really impressed me with its ability to simulate thousands of devices as if they were deployed in the field.

I'm looking forward to implementing it in my own projects, it might even be a good pairing with my RGB Smart Watch project!

Résume Timeline

This is my education and work experience timeline.

  Download My Résume

You can download my résume in PDF format if you would like.

  Programming Languages


x86 Assembly
System Verilog

  Libraries & Frameworks






  Relevant Coursework

Computer Vision
Internet of Things
Computer Security
Computer Systems
Algorithms and Models of Computation
Linear Algebra
Digital Signal Processing
Data Structures
Analog Signal Processing
  • Aurora Innovation

    Software Engineering Intern

    Pittsburgh, PA

    • This summer I'm working at Aurora Innovation on their Perception team, check back here in a few months to see what I've been working on!
  • Caesar Research Group

    Undergraduate Researcher

    Champaign, IL

    • Assigned team members tasks based on experience levels, increasing team productivity and reducing turnover
    • Created low-latency, multi-user, Kafka based TCP server to allow for multi threaded communication between backend database, backend emulation, and frontend server
    • Established APIs for backend database, backend emulation, and frontend servers
    • Compiled list of best practices to establish connection to backend cloud network for future onboarding and server expansion
  • Kohl's

    Software Engineering Intern

    Milwaukee, WI

    • Developed Jenkins Pipelines using Kubernetes, Ansible, and Docker to enhance CI/CD operations
    • Updated network to help internal customers easily view allocated network space
    • Expanded firewall rules to allow for more consistent internal access while preventing unwanted connections
    • Demoed project functionality to internal customers and managers, including a recording to aid future users
  • Tri-the-Illini Triathlon

    Assistant Race Director

    Champaign, IL

    • Oversaw and delegated responsibilities to other members of the race organization committee
    • Coordinated with local police and governments about road closures and location of EMS teams
    • Created timetables for future race committees and streamlined process with local government
  • Terra Consulting Group Ltd.

    Technical Intern

    Park Ridge, IL

    • Collaborated with Verizon, Sprint, and other mobile carriers in RF design and to implement new 5G and small cell technologies
    • Utilized CAD to make changes to proposed work plans based on comments from inspectors and other contractors
    • Taught other employees how to use Revit to model in 3D, allowing company to simulate its cell tower sites more accurately
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


    I currently attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I am majoring in Computer Engineering

    I have a 3.12/4.00 GPA. In Spring of 2020 I made Dean's List for the College of Engineering